マイ ブログ / My blog

White flower ()
マダガスカル・ジャスミン 水彩F6(部分)/ White flower (water colour) 2012-5


Thannk you very much for your comments to this small and indolent blog indeed. I have read all of it of course, but I haven’t been open to the public as some kind of reasons. Most of these comments are from forigners recently. You have given many useful advice to bloaden this site on the net. Although I greatly appreciate your kindness, I get understand this my blog is not wide and deep enough to meet the interest of a lot of people. And I don’t have so much time to spare. So I ‘d like to respond to you ” indirectly ” with this styled blog as it is.


I am a painter. When I paint pictures, I take many kind of paints. Some time taking acrylic, some time oil or water colour, some time tempera for example.  And some time mixed together. All of paintings are by myself except the special case on this blog. This “White flowers (Madagascar jasmine )” is painted in water colour on paper. It is the part.

下北の自然-3 / Wild life Shimokita-3

早春の流れ昆布を拾う/Gathering kelp


This is a distant view of gathering kelp(Kommbu). In Shimokita, it is familiar during from early spring to lately autum.  May be in winter also, but nobody would do it. For the people living at seaside, Gathering kelp isn’t so cheaply way for thier famiries to  live. It could be good income for tthem.  As long as didn’t wast , you could keep average life there, as I’ve heard. White building in distance is Higashi-do-ri nuclear power plant.


Drifting kelp had br0ken off , so you can’t sell for normal price as it is. So you have to cut off any parts of bad lookings, and then after dry it, get to some short bundles etc. It must takes time more than gathering kelp itself. Although it is natural and healthy job  without troublesome human relations. It may be inportant thing, may not be ? On the other hand, they say that the job trust on providence in a half. It is suspected that is real buisines or not from the viewpoint of city-dweller. That’s all might is the life in seaside.    2012-5-11

下北の自然-2 / Wild life in Shimokita-2



Windflower (left. with little white flower. It is called “Nirin-so” in Japan ) and Aconitum (right. monkshood. It is called “Tori-kabuto” also) are in this picture was taken on May 1th 2012 in Shimokita. “Nirin” means two flowers directly. “so” means weed. “Tori” is a bird . “kabuto” means japanese traditional hat. Both have similar leaves but actually they have opposit charactor in a sense. “Nirin-so” is edible. The other is very famous for its deadly poison.


Both of them are belong to a family of Ranunculaceae, so they are grown in the same place like this. Aconitums (monkshood) are taller than before, although I’m sure they both must be take after each more at one week ago.

毎年トリカブトの毒で、日本でも数人は死ぬ。早春はニリンソウと、初夏の頃にはやはり山菜のシドケイによく間違えられる。どちらか 一つでも、しっかり総合的に覚える方が安全のためには必要だ。トリカブトは花にも、花粉にも、蜂蜜にも毒がある。解毒剤も無い。趣味の養蜂家は気をつけよう。

Some people will be die from poison of Aconitum every year in Japan. It has poison in not only flowers, pollens but also honey !  If you’d like to go into wild feeld and to take wild vegetables, you should better to get correct information.


Shimokita peninsula is like a paradise for wild flowers and wild vegetables. The weather will be good for driving, trekking etc in summer time. Enjoy for seeing big colonies filled up with deep blue flowers of Aconitums.   2012/5/2