

Is this what shaping means?。

beautiful Japanese sweets。You can see through elegant thin clothes、Selected red bean paste from famous production areas。Served on a beautiful confectionery plate、small lacquered spoon。Shadows of fresh green leaves are falling from the clear window。

If that is "formation"、sleepy。But、If you think about it, you certainly can't deny that aspect.。But、why are you sleepy

In short, is "modeling" a verb?、Is it a noun or a difference?。What I'm looking for is "form as a verb"。Otherwise、Paintings are synonymous with beautiful Japanese sweets。The picture above is、it's still junk。

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Takashi's personal blog。Not just about paintings、What I think about every day、what you feel、I write whatever comes to mind。This blog is the third generation。From the beginning, it has been over 20 years.。 2023From January 1st、For now, I decided to just write on odd numbered days.。I'm going to think about my future direction and other things piece by piece.。

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