レースフラワー / Lace flower(wild life Shimokita-5)

レースフラワーはただの雑草/Lace flower is just a weed
レースフラワー/ Laceflower


There were so many laceflowres. Along every roads, surrounding the houses. It comes out in every vacant lots as a seeded fields. This flower is as typical one in Shimokita (especialy Higashi-dori villg) now, however I had not found it before. I felt it criticized me beautifully for not coming back home land for long time in this season. It may be planted for last few years and then reproduces rapidly, I think.


“Laceflower” is the generic name of some kind of lacy flowers. I find it away. It has several variations on colors, shapes, prickles etc, although basicaly beongs to umbelliferae. In this time it looks popular in a city. It has been planted white ones, pink, blue, black! in many fields. These Prices are about from 90 to 400 yen per each. If it may be sold 100 yen as well, and 10 milion ones in this village, so it makes 100 milion yen. It just waves everywhere by free. But it is just a calculation. In a sense, it may be the best way that you just receive the wind in Shimokita with these laceflowers.

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