生き物 / Life

新生 / new life mixed media 2012


There was a hairly catarpillar on the road. He just crossed the road about 2.5meters wide rapidly. Of course that was too risky way for him of its natural enemy like a bird. It was so distinguishded a black body on white concrete. If his height convert into a human, 2.5 meters will be 85 meters long. This crossing road was like swim across the sea acting great white shark for 85 meters, I wander.


On the side he had been was similar environment to the other, there’s a lot of trees and weed both. Why he wanted across the road ? What was necessity for him there? It is impossible that they have a free will. Although something mede him to do that is fact. What is it?


According to latest brain science, our human’s free will is doubtful actually. Our brain already decide everything before to be concious ourself less than 0.5 second. Our poor conciousness have an illusion that we identify ratification with our free will. So that means a catarpillar as same as human from the viewpoint of have not a will either.


An experience is important at end. The sense of sort that based on experiences, it looks important for every creature include of us.

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Takashi の個人ブログ。Nu doar despre tablouri、La ce mă gândesc în fiecare zi、ce simti、思いつくままに書いています。Acest blog este a treia generație。はじめからだと20年を越えます。 2023De la 1 ianuarie、Deocamdată, am decis să scriu doar în zilele impare.。今後の方向性その他のことはぽつぽつ考えて行くつもりです

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