ネズミの行儀 / Mouse’s eating manner

ねず公の食事 2014/5/13
ねず公の食事 2014/5/13


This is the hatchway on the top of a Cup-noudle by a mouse. There were three cups pending in front of a fridge. Two is the same “noudle in white stew ” (photo), the other little spicy one is made in Thai.


There were tooth mark on them all. It means these were atractive. But this one has selected and eaten completely. Although other two might be consumed one of these days if I hadn’t found on.


Manner of their feeding was perfect. There was no remains. “One-by-one” is important here. If this is mouse’s besics, we could learn by their loutin on the food situation of the world now. Do you think mouse’s manner was comparable to Japanese soccorfan cleaned stadium voluntarily on World cup Soccor in Brasil? 09/july 2014


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