Painting naturally


Sunset as my mind
Sunset as

What is the way to get your happiness by painting pictures ? If you became a famous painter luckly, could you be satisfied ? Most of the people who are enjoying painting pictures, doesn’t want hard work to be as like as Old masters, 我覺得.

If you haven’t wish that, you might be lucky. It’s because you get freedom for yourself. Do paint your pictures by your act naturaly as possible as blutally. It will express something of your genius unconsciously. 2016/10/27


高志的個人博客。不只是關於繪畫、我每天都在想什麼、你感覺到什麼、我想到什麼就寫什麼。這個部落格已經是第三代了。從開始到現在,已經有20多年了。。 2023從1月1日起、現在,我決定只在奇數天寫作。。我會一點一點地思考我未來的方向和其他事情。。


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