月の昇るころ / About the cotton rose in the luner eclipse

月 昇るころ
月 昇るころ


I ‘ve rememberd the red moon what was a total lunar eclipse was shaking my heart without any words.


A lot of frowers of Cotton rose has came out every morning. That’s White flowers were beautiful in a ray of mornig , and then increasing deeply red into them was also beautiful sensuality. But I mostly haven’t painted picture of them.


I ‘ ve painted them after several days that maked it up for. But I ‘ve gotten fail. I felt that they said don’t have been taken lightly. After then, I ‘ve tride to imeged double that the red moon of the luner eclipse with the cotton rose into the dark sky again.

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Blog pessoal de Takashi。Não apenas sobre pinturas、O que penso todos os dias、o que você sente、Eu escrevo o que me vem à cabeça。Este blog é a terceira geração。Desde o início, já se passaram mais de 20 anos.。 2023A partir de 1º de janeiro、Por enquanto, decidi escrever apenas nos dias ímpares.。Vou pensar sobre minha direção futura e outras coisas, peça por peça.。

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