
サージェント/萨金特 ; 百合,百合,,.(部分)


My father has been bad for three weeks. 一天早晨,, I found that I didn’t have his portrait I painted.


虽然我是一个职业画家, but I have not painted any portraits of my relative’s. 即使我的自画像,也是. 在exeptional案件, one portrait of my grand-father was painted as his deth-mask just when he died, I did it on his body like a horse riding. Other is even a few my son’s, occasionaly.


我觉得这更奇怪, the more thinking. Althogh I’ve been keeping curiosity about human’s faces, human’s manner and I believed I was a good human watcher, 为什么我没有做到这一点?


Is this mean that the family is too close to me for object of painting pictures? 然而, I think that is consistable.


I will painting many portraits of my familial people after now. It goes without saying that the greatworks will be born from a famirial goods or things for artists.