父が亡くなった   My father was dead



My father was dead. March 13 in 2012, at 8:22 in morning. I just was in time for his death before 5 or 6 hours with my brother. Outside was in the snowstorm as impossible as relate the train from Hachino-he to Oh-minato. When his pulse was disappear from the moniter, I was there with only my father in that room.


When we arrived, soon I felt he would be die in not so longtime. The other side, I had strange confidence that I could save his own life unfounded. At that time, his doctor has been gived saving his life up already I guess. Actualy I couldn’t do anything as completly for my father, I must be allowed the fact of his death.


I wonder if I can do saving my father’s-own-life ? I have been imagined that he might be Come-back to our family, if I could take him care with apply myself, just while 6 or minimum 3 months. Althogh I couldn’t, because I have to keep the life of my own family. Was I abandand him? He wants to complain to me, I wonder?


There is my father’s tree planted property that was viewed dark place in this picture. That is having good condition for trees now as he loved trees and its emvironmental nature. These trees just are little for use since only 50 years after his planting. They will be glowing up gradually. This mountain reminds me to him. 3/27

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Takashi の個人ブログ。Inte bara om tavlor、Vad jag tänker på varje dag、vad du känner、思いつくままに書いています。Den här bloggen är tredje generationen。はじめからだと20年を越えます。 2023Från 1 januari、För tillfället bestämde jag mig för att bara skriva på udda dagar.。今後の方向性その他のことはぽつぽつ考えて行くつもりです

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