マイ ブログ / My blog

White flower ()
マダガスカル・ジャスミン 水彩F6(部分)/ White flower (water colour) 2012-5


Thannk you very much for your comments to this small and indolent blog indeed. I have read all of it of course, but I haven’t been open to the public as some kind of reasons. Most of these comments are from forigners recently. You have given many useful advice to bloaden this site on the net. Although I greatly appreciate your kindness, I get understand this my blog is not wide and deep enough to meet the interest of a lot of people. And I don’t have so much time to spare. So I ‘d like to respond to you ” indirectly ” with this styled blog as it is.


I am a painter. When I paint pictures, I take many kind of paints. Some time taking acrylic, some time oil or water colour, some time tempera for example. And some time mixed together. All of paintings are by myself except the special case on this blog. This “White flowers (Madagascar jasmine )” is painted in water colour on paper. It is the part.