
習作 2016/11/14
習作 2016/11/14

ただいまふたつの展覧会に出品中1つは埼玉県立近代美術館での「CAF.N」(Contemporary Art Festival, Nebula) もうひとつは銀座8丁目「ギャラリー・風」で開催中の「第3回 風土に生きる」展

それに今週木曜日から開催の絵画教室展「第22回 槻江会展」(春日部市商工振興センター・ギャラリー)が加わる少なくともここでの開催は今回が最後になるので出品する生徒さんたちも悔いを残さないよう一生懸命頑張っているところ



Looks and Works

The Surrealists 1930
The Surrealists 1930

Back row(from left): Man Ray, Jean Arp, Yves Tangy, Andre Breton. Front row (from left) Tristan Tzara, Salvador Dali, Paul Eduard, Max Ernst, Rene Crevel. This is a very famous photo by Man Ray.

I remembered “Dali Exhibition” at National New Art Museum, in Tokyo now. Most of the viewers might see this leaf there or on the catalog of it ( May be, becauseI haven’t come to see yet ). I have been interested in the relationship between “looks” with “Works”. It’s very mysterious things for me. I often feel ” these faces” remarks directly their “Essence” of each works include Dali’s case. 2016/11/5




Painting naturally


Sunset as my mind
Sunset as

What is the way to get your happiness by painting pictures ? If you became a famous painter luckly, could you be satisfied ? Most of the people who are enjoying painting pictures, doesn’t want hard work to be as like as Old masters, 我觉得.

If you haven’t wish that, you might be lucky. It’s because you get freedom for yourself. Do paint your pictures by your act naturaly as possible as blutally. It will express something of your genius unconsciously. 2016/10/27