Схимокита природна 4 / Вилд лифе Схимокита-4


下北半島北東端からの海/Sea from the north-east point of Honsyu-island


Биљка група на литици / биљке на блеф


Thank you very much for your coments. I couldn’t afford to have the time to uplord for two months.


I had been staying Higashi-dori village in Shimokita peninsula about two weeks from August 10 to 23, to hold a Buddist memorial service for my deceased father. In Japan, the term from August 13 to 16 is called “Obon”, is held a Buddist celemony for each famirial ancestors every year. I took care of my mother there and I sketched some decades of paper in landscape at the same time. I’ d like to show my drawings after now.


That village where is tha top of North-east of Hon-shu island, is the second largest village in Aomori pref. This is in microthermal climate zone. There is the east wind in summer called famous “Yamase” which is included large dame air from the sea. It makes fog which cover there and block off the sunlight. This climete is similar to east side of Hokkaido island’s rather than other place in Aomori pref. It isn’t often over 30℃ high but it is sometimes under 20℃ in summer.


In addition, here is separated from Hokkaido with Tsugaru channel, so we can see several distinctive kind of plants, animals and the ecology of them. Durling the sketch, I felt it repeatedly. Some couple of falcon nest in over 200 or 300 meters bluff (photo above). It is easily to see some other kind of howks, for example common buzzerd and osprey etc. You can find many alpine plants at seaside also. (If you want more information, ask Nothern hotel in higashi-dori village)





Такашијев лични блог。Не само о сликама、О чему размишљам сваки дан、Шта осећаш、Пишем шта ми падне на памет。Овај блог је трећа генерација。Од почетка је прошло више од 20 година.。 2023Од 1. јануара、За сада сам одлучио да пишем само по непарним данима.。Размишљаћу о свом будућем правцу и другим стварима део по део.。

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