肖像 Portrait

サージェント/sargent ; Lily,lily,,.(part)

meu pai non está ben。Unha mañá, pensei de súpeto。Non teño un retrato do meu pai。

My father has been bad for three weeks. One morning, I found that I didn’t have his portrait I painted.

son pintor。Ademais, o tema principal son os humanos (aínda que é difícil chamalo retrato).。con todo、Non hai ningún retrato do meu pai.。pai, nai, muller, irmán、Non debuxen a ningún dos meus parentes.。Nin sequera hai moitos autorretratos。cando morreu o meu avó、Debuxei unha máscara mortuoria a cabalo sobre o corpo aínda quente.。O resto é do meu fillo、Só hai algúns esbozos ocasionais.。

Although I’m a professional painter, but I have not painted any portraits of my relative’s. Even my self-portrait is also. In exeptional cases, one portrait of my grand-father was painted as his deth-mask just when he died, I did it on his body like a horse riding. Other is even a few my son’s, occasionaly.

Canto máis penso niso、iso parece estraño。Sempre me interesaron os rostros e os xestos humanos.、Pensei que estaba observando as cousas máis profundamente que outras persoas.、Que significa isto?

I feel that’s the more strange, the more thinking. Althogh I’ve been keeping curiosity about human’s faces, human’s manner and I believed I was a good human watcher, why I didn’t do that?

A miña familia ten demasiado sentido da vida.、Significa isto que se eliminan do tema da pintura? pero、Non creo que haxa contradición entre o sentido da vida e a pintura.。

Is this mean that the family is too close to me for object of painting pictures? However, I think that is consistable.

A partir de agora, serei consciente de min e da miña familia.、Imos debuxar unha persoa coñecida。De motivos coñecidos、Hai moitos exemplos de boas imaxes que se están creando.。

I will painting many portraits of my familial people after now. It goes without saying that the greatworks will be born from a famirial goods or things for artists.