Why do you want to live long-life?

Me, my mother and aunt
Old day’s

I have watched “What is the difference between Long-life person and Short-life ones” on T.V last night. I have considered almost people has desired to get a long and healthy life. It may be common sense.

However, I don’t understand for what would you get so long life. I remembered the man, who was well known as creative scientist of the world, he said “I hope to live still 500 years old, because it takes 300 years minimum to learn the stack of knowledge of human race, then it also takes about 200 years to progress or create new theory from there.” I understand him very well, but I don’t need such a long life like him. And I often want to disappear silently from every scenes. 2016/10/30

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Takashi の個人ブログ。Jo vetëm për pikturat、Ajo që mendoj çdo ditë、Cfare ndjen、思いつくままに書いています。Ky blog është gjenerata e tretë。はじめからだと20年を越えます。 2023Nga 1 janari、Për momentin, vendosa të shkruaj vetëm në ditë me numër tek.。今後の方向性その他のことはぽつぽつ考えて行くつもりです

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